

Each summer we offer our BBQ at Taverham Fayre and at various local schools.  From 2023 we have also offered it at the Acle & Brundall Lions Summer Fete.  

Annual Christmas Float

Please see the separate section on our website - Christmas Float Routes - to see which streets will be visited each night in December. 

Taverham Lions will be taking our Christmas Float around the streets of Taverham, Thorpe Marriott and Drayton for the 39th time in 2024.  Local children and their families enjoy this in the lead up to Christmas and it is a major fundraiser for us.

On weekday evenings in December, Santa will again be on his float with a Lion member driving the lorry. The float will drive along our usual routes. No collectors will knock at your door, but the float will stop at certain safe points when two or more Lion helpers will have collecting buckets to receive any donations.  Please ensure children do not attempt to climb on the float for safety reasons.  Santa will have a fishing net with wrapped sweets for the children.  

Our Facebook page will be updated each evening with the following evening's planned route.  As ever this is subject to weather conditions. 

We have a separate Broadland Council licence for each evening and may only visit the streets named on that licence on that evening, so we regret that should weather conditions or other issues affect a particular evening, we will not be able to return to those streets this year.

If you are not at home when we visit your street, you can catch us outside Tesco, Drayton on Saturday 14th December 2024 between 10-2pm.

If you wish to donate online please go to our page on Peoples Fundraising:

Peoples Fundraising - Taverham Lions

Photos from past years:

Community at Heart Lottery

Taverham & District Lions is a cause on the Community at Heart Lottery.  Please support us and also have the chance to win cash prizes.  More details at:

Community at Heart Lottery



Taverham & District Lions are a cause on the Easyfundraising website.  Any online purchases you make via that page brings a small % commission back to our charity account at no cost to you.

easyfundraising - taverhamlions

Football Car Park

On Norwich City FC match days and evenings, Taverham Lions are fortunate to have access to the forecourts of Jonathan Scott Hall and the former Bussey's garage on Thorpe Road.  Our thanks go to the owners of those sites, as this is a major fundraiser for us.  

We can offer approximately 80 car park spaces at economic rates (£5 each) on a first come, first serve basis and the car parks are usually full 90 minutes before kick-off.  Over many seasons this has proved a reliable source of income for our Lions club.  Other Norfolk Lions clubs also offer car parking at other sites on Thorpe Road.

Please would anyone using any football car parks managed by Lions clubs ensure that they display a yellow Norwich Area Lions Club ticket on their dashboard. That will avoid the local security patrols (NTC) issuing a parking notice charge to you on matchdays. </body></html>