Who We Are

Taverham & District Lions Club



Taverham & District Lions Club is a charitable service organisation working in Taverham, Drayton, Thorpe Marriott and the surrounding area.

Our main purpose is to support individual or community causes, primarily in the local area, but also supporting national and international causes as part of Lions Club International.

To enable us to donate to others, we organise various fund-raising events. Whilst our fund-raising can be hard work, we try to add an element of fun to it.  We also arrange social events for club members to enjoy.

Details of our fund-raising, our service activities and recent social events are shown in the “What We Do” section of our website https://www.taverhamlions.club/



Taverham & District Lions Club was formed in 1985 and granted it’s Charter by Lions Clubs International in June 1986.  One of our Charter (founder) members is still an active member of the club and is responsible for building our Christmas float. 

Lions Clubs International was formed in 1917 by a Chicago business leader, Melvin Jones, who wondered what would happen if people put their talents to work improving their communities. As a result of his inspiration, 1.4 million men and women today are members of the world’s largest service club association with thousands of members based in hundreds of clubs throughout the British Isles.

Those British Clubs are organised into just seven districts and for 2020-21 Taverham Lions long standing member Ujjal was elected to the highest office - District Governor for the East Anglia and East Midlands district.

Taverham Lions are best known for our Christmas Float which has visited the streets of Taverham, Thorpe Marriott and Drayton every December since 1986. Most years we are also found running a BBQ at Taverham Fayre, Costessey Fete and certain local school events. For many years we have also offered car parking for Norwich City supporters on Thorpe Road.  

Running the Club

Our club is a Charitable Incorporated Organisation (CIO).   A CIO is a charity that is regulated by Charity Commission.  

We have a number of officer posts in our club for which members are elected each year.  The principal posts are President, Treasurer and Secretary.  Collectively they ensure that our club runs efficiently and effectively.

We have a club meeting from 19:00 on the second Monday of each month (other than December).  We meet in a pleasant room at the Wensum Valley Hotel, Golf and Country Club. 

Smaller groups of club members meet to plan our fund-raising activities, or our service programme, or our social calendar.  They report back to the main club meeting where final decisions are taken and minuted.

The meetings may sound a little formal, but in all our events we seek to add enjoyment. There is always a raffle at each meeting and the Lion’s Tail-Twister imposes joke fines for any “misdemeanour”. The setting for our meetings has a licenced bar and many members get together for a chat before the meeting.

Guests are always welcome so if you wish to attend please contact us.